When we arrived on our lot the 16th of November, our across the street neighbor was Doug Hubbard, a friend from the WIN group we had belonged to. We had a nice visit with him.
Bob was extremely busy getting the shed cleaned out and sorting out what needed to go back into the bays of the motorhome. It took almost a week.
In the evenings we would go down to the clubhouse and play cards. Donna would go to video walking exercises in the morning. It was good to get back to visiting and renewing our friendships.
On Wednesdays the Boomer group we belong to go out to the movies in the early afternoon and when it was over we would go out to eat at a different restaurant each time.
We went to Los Algodones, Mexico to get Donna an implant for her front teeth. It was going to be a Christmas present from Bob. After X-rays and sonogram it was decided her jaw bone wasn't strong enough. She got a "laser teeth cleaning" and a tooth extraction. 18 Novocain injections to do that. She was put on ibuprofin and amoxicillin. She developed a massive infection. We went back down 10 days later and still too much infection.
We attended the Thanksgiving dinner at the clubhouse. Bob got to serve the gravy. Donna was able to eat mashed potatoes and gravy, dressing with gravy and pumpkin pie.
The Roadrunner Chapter we belonged to folded due to lack of interest in the campouts. We had a party at the Z Fun Factory in Yuma and we went. Donna could only eat soup.
We had new neighbors across from us. Don and Glenda Wicks came over several times and played cards with us in the evening. One evening he brought a bottle of Key Lime Vodka and we brought out the tequila and moonshine. To say we slept well that night is an understatement.
On December 5th the Winter Visitors are treated by Los Algodones to a "Welcome Back" party. We met Glenda and Don at the parking lot then walked across the border. In the first block we got to taste as much tequila as we wanted.

At the end of the block were margaritas.

At the end of the block were margaritas.
Glenda and Donna got to dance with these young men. Notice their beer dispenser. That was the 3rd one so no wonder they danced with them.
A motorhome parked in front of our lot to put their car onto the tow dolly. The wife was driving and went too far and the tires went beyond the dolly. Bob helped jacking it up along with 2 or 3 other men to get it back off and put on correctly. Took almost 45 minutes.
One of the Boomer ladies had a party at her place in the Foothills. It was to help her decorate her golf cart for the Christmas parade they have every year.
Quite a few showed up. Hey, offer free food and they will come.
We made several trips to Algodones and our friends Curt and Louise Pyatt met us at our new favorite restaurant. Wonderful Mango Margaritas, food and music. The waiter even drove us to the border since we had too many of the margaritas.
We found a new dentist for Donna thru a friend. Adrian had been our waiter at our favorite restaurant in Algodones but now he works for Dental Clinic.
The dentist Pabel checked Donna over and came in with an estimate $2800 less.

We stopped off at Ogliby Rd to join our pastor Jim's group for a pot luck lunch on one trip to MX.

Christmas Dinner at the clubhouse was fantastic. We volunteered to cook 4 boxes of dressing. 3 others also provided the dressing. There had to be over 100 people there. Donna volunteered to be a greeter. She welcomed all who came in the west door and directed them to where to put their potluck dish. Most everyone had already brought their plates etc and chose a table. The turkeys where cooked there and cut up by a crew of volunteers.
We continued to go out to the movies and dinner with the Boomer's each Wednesday.
New Years Eve was spent at the Clubhouse so we could walk home.
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