Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Lee's Ferry

We did a day trip from Page to Lee's Ferry. Bob wanted to see where we put in for our Grand Canyon Rafting trip in May of 2007. Our first stop was at Navajo Bridge to find a virtual geocache.

The Vermillion Cliffs were in the back ground.

We got to the put in point. At the far left you can see a raft putting in. 
It's a lot smaller than the one we were on.

We went to the campground there to see what it was like. What a view.

We spotted an RV that we recognized.

It was John and Connie Parker's so we had to visit.

On the way back we stopped to take a picture of this toad stool formation.

Connie and John had told us to look for Condors at the bridge. As we were crossing back over Donna spotted one flying so we parked and got this picture of #2.

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