We left our wonderful place by the lake and headed to Colorado and civilization. Stopped long enough in Chama to get propane. Our tank holds 30 gal and we put in 31.4. I guess we were empty. Took on a little fuel to get us into Colorado where it's 20 cents cheaper. Over the passes on 17, in the rain to Alamosa, Co. Bob did great driving and the brakes on the trailer are adjust just perfect. We pulled into the Walmart, took out the car and toured the nearby Great Sand Dunes National Monument.

We wanted to stay there but the ranger said there wasn't a place big enough for us to park. We did find a place but after we got back to the rig we headed north to Salida. Again we found Walmart and we parked there overnight. There were several others there also and 3 of us were towing utility trailers behind.
The next morning we headed to Colorado Springs. We drove along the Arkansas River

thru the beautiful Buffalo Canyon. We arrived at the Elk's Lodge and shortly after we set up Dave and Carol came in. They have been on our NM tour. Out our windshield is Pike's Peak. Had a little snow on it after the afternoon rains. Bob ordered new batteries, I went to Curves and in the evening we played Pegs & Joker's with Carol & Dave.
Bob continued to do work on the motorhome and trailer. His honey-do list is dwindling and while he does that I play, exercise and shop. I went to a needlework shop for some supplies for a new project. The lady who helped me invited me to attend their local EGA meeting on Saturday. So I did. Had a lovely time

and went to lunch with them. I was also going to Curves and getting my much needed exercise. Haven't been close to one since we were in Raton last July.
Our batteries arrived on Friday. Got the battery box reconstructed at a welder's nearby on Saturday.

Bob installed them and equalized them. Hopefully these will last. Our other ones were 5 years old and had been severely damaged when they were reinstalled by the solar man when we got the new motorhomes solar's applied. 4 of the 8 were never hooked up to the system properly.
A lady stopped by walking her dogs and we chatted with her out the window. She said "you are so cute like that" and wanted us to have a picture of it so handed her the camera is this is what we look like.

OK are we cute?
One day out running errands we stopped at the Black Bear Restaurant. I had eaten lunch there with the embroidery gals

but this time I ate with the bear.
OK, OK. Its' time I get small clothes after the 43# loss. Waded thru the closet and drawers and removed a bunch. We both have lost weight so it was time to go shopping. We love Thrift Stores and found 2 ARC's here in Co Sprgs. To say I lucked out is an understatement. Summer clothes were $.99 and since we stay mostly warm weather that was what I needed. Got 20 garments for $45. Did I do alright....

Time to head south

When you can see snow. Yes, that's Pike's Peak out our windshield. Heading to Pueblo today for the Discovery Rally. Bye
Yes, you guys are really cute. And Donna, I can hardly see you you're so skinny!
New Mexico will miss you. Congratulations, Donna! Great will power. Good choice on the boutique - I love ARC!
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