Friday was the true arrival date and we did our own thing. Curves, haircut and relaxing. The parking lot we are in is huge and all 100 plus rigs fit on one small side of it. There was a social hour at the rally hall where we had finger foods and socialized.
Saturday we boarded a tour bus early in the morning for a 12 hour day. We headed back up to Colorado Springs where we toured the Air Force Academy

A stop for lunch at Cracker Barrel was a lot shorter than they had anticipated so we were able to stop briefly at the Olympic Training Center.

On to the Cog Railroad and a beautiful trip.

At the top we were in a cloud.

If you look close at this picture you will see a Llama in the center. Not one of their normal wildlife...this one has been roaming the area for about 3 weeks and they are trying to find the owner.
It was 31 degrees and spritzing snow.

Glad we only had a 1/2 hour there. Three years ago we drove to the top and spent a long time seeing everything.
Sunday was a free day for us. We went to a Greek Festival and watched these dancers.

The party started on Monday. Of course the rain and cold also started. Stayed inside most of the day listening to the raindrops and wind. It cleared a little in the evening and there was a buffet dinner and dancing afterward. We were the first ones on the floor and danced almost every dance. We remembered how after all this time.
After the continental breakfast on Tuesday Bob attended a seminar. Came home saying it wasn't for our type of rving. The development team from Discovery wanted to know what we are looking for in RV's. All except Bob wanted 45 footer's with washer & dryer's. That must be why the honey wagon came on Monday to pump people's holding tanks after only 3 days here. A conversation I overheard was about the W&D and how one could only wash one pair of jeans. Would they believe we went 4 weeks at Heron without needing to dump or take on water until we departed. We went shopping in the afternoon. Needed to buy the none perishables for the houseboat trip. Went to Sam's Club for the large amounts and Walmart for the small amounts. Will get the perishables at a Walmart in Durango. We are purchasing for the whole boat for the deli lunches and paper products. The evening was a pot luck and card bingo so we stayed home.
Wednesday was more of the same boring stuff topped off with a dinner and dancing.
Thursday we left and headed for Cortez. We didn't get to leave until almost 3 pm as Bob was waiting on a UPS package. I did get my flu shot and shopped at the thrift store again. Needed jeans as it's cold out here. Snow was on the mountains

Sounds like you had some fun!! And by the way Donna, you are looking good!!
Wow! Donna you are really looking svelte! I gave Diana some handouts on North Dakota for you.
Yes, you sure do look good. Looking forward to housboating with you. Glad you made it into the warm.
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