First day we did a huge laundry. The laundermat is owned by Vickie and Jim who are rving neighbors. We stopped to see them on our way. We then headed to Salem to meet my daughter Terri on her lunch break. She works at the same hospital I retired from after 23 years. So a lot of people stopped by while we visited. We then visited Russ a former co-worker of Bob's. Back home Bob finally got the internet up and running. He has been having to work it manually instead of automatically but an hour long phone call to technical support may have solved the problem.
Friday was another busy day. While Bob went for his checkup at the doctor's (his 1st Medicare one) I cleaned. First the vacuum cleaner and then started with the inside cabinets. Reorganizing and sorting. Got a huge pile to dispose of and that was just the start. Bob came home and he started on the outside bays. We had 7 containers filled with clothes we don't wear. After removing those Bob put the camping gear from the car into that bay and we loaded our new folding bikes in their bags into the back of the car. My rusted old one went to Goodwill and Bob's bike was given to Mark, our host. After cleaning up we met my daughter Terri and her family at a restaurant near their home. Went to their home afterwards and they took a lot of the stuff we are disposing of. Boring to our readers but that was our day.
Saturday we started on the clothes closet, drawers and shelf's in the bedroom and weeded out the stuff we can't or won't wear. Got two bags of clothes weighing 45#. Then we moved over to Bob's in-laws home where he had put things into storage. At least 30-40 boxes there to go thru.

Sunday back to Bob's family for more sorting. Even managed to get to the barn stuff.
We then headed to my daughter Terri's for the family Memorial Day picnic.
Tracy, my oldest daughter and her friend Roger came .

and her son Kyle.

We had a lovely visit and steak dinner cooked by Bill, Terri's husband.

In the evening my granddaughter Kristin, Terri's oldest daughter stopped by after she got off work.
Cody and Katie, Terri and Bill's kids showed us how they work Wii and played tetherball most of the day.

The whole family weeded thru the bags of stuff and we really unloaded a lot. Now we have room for more stuff we are gathering from the family.
Well, I was wondering where you guys were. Is that Bob's house behind the RV? The roof looks nice. :-)
Surely between the two of you, you must know everyone in town. Why not just start at one end and go to the other?
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