Bob's son Wayne arrived after he got off work.

Back home for a relaxing evening.
Tuesday I went to a meeting of my old chapter of Embroiderer's Guild so I could see my old friends.

We went out for lunch. Back home Bob was working on improving the closet arrangements and checking the front TV compartment for replacing the TV with one like we put in the bedroom. We then went into Alliance to pick up a couple of things, stopped off at the Elk's before heading home. Busy but boring.
Wednesday we rested and stayed home in the morning except for a walk to the lake. It is an old strip mine and back 40 years ago the state planted trees around it. It is on Bob's old farm land. In the afternoon we both went to his niece's for our eye checkups. Mine are perfect but Bob had to get new glasses. Back home it was time to dump so we moved 1/2 mile down the road to Vicky and Jim's.

We will probably stay put here for the rest of our stay.
Thursday morning Audrey and Gary stopped by. They will be starting their fulltime rving this Saturday. We gave them some tips since we are old hands at this. After they left I read and Bob visited one of the neighbors. After lunch we went to Bob's son's Wayne in Rootstown for dinner and a visit with his granddaughter, son and daughter-in-law.
Friday morning I visited my doctor for my annual checkup. Bob joined Carl, a friend and co-worker for breakfast at Bob Evans. I joined them afterwards. We then went to his brother-in-law Carl's to finish with the sorting. Huge stacks everywhere. Wayne and Carl were busy installing a new toilet starting with new flooring.

We loaded up our car to take things back to the MH to sort more. The afternoon was spent going thru the old VHS tapes that were not labeled. Watched Bob's home reconstruction. It was totally gutted and then raised. Others were weddings and family reunions, grandkids in their infancy etc.
Late in the evening he got to his clown collection. Had them all spread out

Today had been a long day.
Saturday we went to the big city. Youngstown that is. We first checked out a place to have slides converted to DVD's. They want 50 cents per slide. On to Circuit City to see if they had the equipment to do it ourselves. NO. On to a place that buys old jewelry, coins etc and unload some stuff. Enough to buy a tank of fuel for the motorhome which these days is considerable. After a bite of lunch, did I mention we are both on diets now, we stopped at Bob's cousin Donna and Larry's.

It gets confusing that Bob has 3 Donna's in his life. We were invited to my daughter Terri's for dinner and on the way we got a call that they were on the way to ER for xrays. Cody fell off a golf cart yesterday and has a concussion. We stopped and visited

1 comment:
Bob has a clown collection?!?
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