Monday, Bob headed to the doctor's for the results of all his tests. He needs to lower his cholesterol and so do I, as I found out later in a phone call. Guess it's good we already have started watching what we eat. Now with that said we went out for lunch. :) Went to Salem for his new glasses, final visits with people we haven't seen yet. Did I mention I did the laundry in 94 degree heat. Late afternoon a stop at Donna and Karl's to pick up some things for Mark. Bob's other son in Maine. Then on to my daughter Terri's to say goodbye.
I had my turn going thru a box I had stored there. I found needlework books on Lighthouses that I thought I had given away. So now I will have to start stitching again as Bob wants the lighthouses we see together added to what I thought was a finished afghan. Another stop at Karl and Donna's on the way home and had a great visit there.
Tuesday was moving day after a quick trip to Canton for some business. We moved around 40 miles to John and Cynthia O'Connor's home north of Youngstown. We had a nice dinner and visit with them.
Wednesday Bob worked on motorhome. He installed a basket in one of the bays and rearranged the stuff in it. We picked up our mail then went to Wayne and Jerry's. Riley and Jerry had a great time going thru grandma's jewelry that we brought.

Then it was on to my son's home in Parma.

Bob visited with John all day. I went over to Daffin's Candies in Sharon. They have animal Kingdom where all the animals are solid chocolate.

Visited with Jean and her daughter Diane.

My husband worked for Nestle and they were one of his biggest customers and personal friends. Had a nice visit. Back home was a lazy afternoon reading and then we went across the street for a birthday party for a one year old. John and Cynthia's neighbor.
1 comment:
How do they keep critters, both human and other, from eating holes in the chocolate animals? Looks yummy!
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