But it didn't seem to bother this lady.

Afterwards, we asked our old GPS to find us the camping place and with a little help looking at maps and my previous research on Google Earth we found it.

We were able to spend the night but wow was the day HOT. At one point our thermometer read 97 and the air was hazy with humidity. There was a breeze but it really didn't help too much. The traffic slowed down and the temperature moderated so we were able to get some sleep.
We left the dam and stopped at a mall in Fredericton to get a microphone for Bob's computer. He was losing every other word. We also went to the bank and changed our US money into the pretty Canadian money. We got a little extra but not as much as when we were here last. For Bob it is 20 years and for me 9 years.
On we went thru New Brunswick's Fundy National Park. It is a good thing we had both been this way before because the ocean breezes had created a hazy fog so the view's weren't as good as the last time. We stopped in a turn out at Alma for lunch. Alma claims it has the highest tides and it sure was evident by the boats at the dock completely out of the water. We went onto Hopewell Cape and to see "The Flower Pot's". We got to walk on the ocean floor and then watched the tide come in.

And when we were leaving the tide was coming in.

We are at a campground nearby tonight as we needed to add water and dump. We have 50 amp electricity which we could have used last night for air conditioning but we made need it tonight for heat. Today's temp barely reached 70 even if the forecast said 88. Refreshing....as was the long hot shower. :) Campgrounds do have an advantage but not at $26.44 per night. Would you believe I was here exactly 9 years ago today and we only paid $5.37. We were CCA then. Which I don't think even exists anymore.
We went back to the Pots in the morning to see another place and see the tide going out.

When we ready to leave.

Check out time was 12 noon and we hit it on the button. Bob drove 152 miles. We were going to stop along the way but it was drizzling and what better thing to do on a day when you can't be outdoors but move closer to where you want to go. We are now in Pictou, Nova Scotia at a FREE place on the waterfront near downtown. The sun came out to set so perhaps we can explore in the morning.
At Kings Landing the most interesting visit was with the gentleman training a team of oxen. Wow. Talk about patience.
Thanks for the memories.
Never been there, but always wanted to. I'll have to sightsee vicariously through you. Good job so far. . .
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