Sunday, July 20, 2008

Stephenville to Port aux Croix

We left Stephenville and our new friends Martha and Gene after we stocked up with groceries and did the laundry. No large towns where we were going.
Along the way we had some pretty views.

At Deer Lake we pulled into an Irving fuel station and topped off 32 gal at $6.28 gal for $199.94. Topped ourselves off also in the restaurant. Bob tried Cod Cheeks, they were good. We also got our email and put up the blog while there.

We continued on into Gros Morne National Park. Very pretty drive but they definitely lack pull outs for picture taking etc. At the northern reaches of the park we pulled into a rest area near St. Paul. We had a view of ponds and a cove. We had a beautiful sunset and spotted moose tracks but no moose. Decided to spend the night here. Bob was up part of the night beating off mosquitoes.

We continued north. We stopped at the Arches Provincial Park.
The stones are so multicolored and varied.
We found a beautiful turnout overlooking the ocean. The fog bank lifted and we brought out the lounge chairs. Bob spotted 4 whales far off while I napped off and on in the sunshine.

After about 3 hours of that we continued on to Port aux Choix. We parked in a Catholic School yard and our neighbors are very quiet in the cemetery. We walked thru the town
and then found a restaurant with delicious mussels and halibut.

We took a drive to see the Point Riche Lighthouse and while there we watch a whale. We think it was a Menke.


Cheryl Huffer said...

Carson and Maggie each want a cool stone next time you find something so beautiful. Oh yeah, Lizzie will probably want one too!!!!!

Barbara and Ron said...

That first shot I thought had a strange looking UFO in it. Lovely country.