Not to shabby. Bob spotted a whale within the hour. We went to a dinner theater in the evening. The waiters became the actors in a variety show.

Sunday we went to the library for our wifi fix and counted rv's on a caravan coming into town. We then went to the only campground in town to see how many really came in. 21. We went on to the lighthouse.

It is sort of like a fish dressing. We got to visiting with the couple at the next table and they joined us before our meal. He was a fisherman, now retired and she had worked at the fish plant. We had an enjoyable meal and conversation even if he spoke with a heavy dialect we were able to get the gist of what he was saying. Later, at home some "Escapee Boomer's" came by who I had been emailing. They bought a house here last year. Chet, Gaye and their son from LA Brett.
Chet says housing is inexpensive here. A small house on the water runs around $50,000. But there is snow here big time. They go south in the winter.
Before leaving Twillingate we stopped by Chet and Gaye's home.
I had admired it the day before but didn't realize it was their's. They graciously gave us a tour of this beautiful home.
1 comment:
As houses go, that is certainly a beauty!
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