Friday, March 11, 2011

Yuma Part 2 "The Gypsy Journal Rally

We moved into the fairgrounds as part of the advanced parking team. After settling in there was a meeting, social hour and pot luck with the crew.
 Check Nick's Blog for pictures. Donna was in everyone of them.

The next morning very early we moved to the location we will be in for the rest of week. It's the same spot we had last year minus the rain and mud. Donna helped with the name tag assembly & Bob was in the front parking lot in the morning. In the afternoon we both went to the north 40 to park and not one single rv arrived. Bob sat with Art all afternoon and Donna read a book while sitting in the car. Art & Mary invited us to dinner and we invited them to play cards in the evening.

Monday was suppose to be busy with parking and Bob sat out in the north 40 again all day and only parked 12 rigs. Donna went to Curves and hung around home. Brought Bob a Subway sandwich to share for lunch then relieved another guy to go eat. At 3 there was the welcome, vendor introduction and ice cream. We are right across from the Marine base and these huge transport go right over us to land. 

Donna then went with Barb, Tom & Cool Judy to see and place geocaches for the class she will be helping with. In the evening there was door prizes.

The rest of the week was filled with seminars we attended. Pizza party one evening
and the Cactus Queen contest. 

There were Door Prizes and we won a Streets & Trips program. Had no time to even load it into the computer but next week we will be parked in the desert again so will have time.

The last evening Bob attended a class to get a permit to carry a concealed weapon while Donna attended the Escapee Boomer's Pot Luck and social. 

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