Monday, April 16, 2012

Da Big Loop

After 24 days at Boulder Beach we are on the move again. Donna drove us through Las Vegas over the hill to Pahrump where we settled in at the Pair-a-dice Escapee Park. The beautiful snow topped mountains were to our east but where we were was very comfortable in the 70's. We went out to Terrible's Lakeside Casino for dinner. Afterwards we cruised the park and discovered a friend here. George Dockstader who we met thru the WIN's.

The next day after a brief stop for breakfast we headed out for Beatty & the big loop to Death Valley & back. We geocached along the way. At Beatty we stopped at the museum to locate "Ryolite" a ghost town that at one time had 8,000 miner's and 2,000 claims.

Found beautiful rock formations and rusty stuff. 

Lots of old building sites. 
The bank.

 The Las Vegas-Tonapah depot.

A glass bottle house made of 20,000 bottles. 

A nearby outdoor statue museum.  

A geocache hanging around. 

On to Death Valley          
                                        where the temperature was in the high 90's. We dropped from 3450' above sea level to 250' below sea level in less than an hour.

 Saw a coyote. 

We stopped at the beautiful Furnace Creek Inn for a cool drink. There we met Donna & Bruce who were staying at the Inn.

We walked around the buildings to get this beautiful picture of the oasis created at the Inn.

Back at Pahrump we met George and LeRoy 
for dinner at the same casino where we had ate last night.

When we came out we were greeted by this beautiful sunset reflection. 

There was a note on our door that Gorden & Laura Borncamp, Boomer friends were in the park so we stopped by for a brief visit with them. 

Great scenery, great Friends. 15 caches. GREAT DAY.

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